The Premier web design program is back and better than ever

The only comprehensive program you’ll ever need to create a successful web design business.

What if you could confidently design websites and book higher-budget clients right now because you know you have all of the tools, systems and strategies needed to succeed?

Winning at WordPress is the first ever WordPress course of its kind that teaches you how to create stunning websites on the OG website platform with NO coding and NO experience required. 

This program is for web designers who are ready to remaster the skills + offer, get noticed by bigger companies with bigger budgets, and transform their design agency. 

What Winning at WordPress Isn’t

It is NOT another boring, drawn out, snooze fest program with a “teacher” who doesn’t really care about your success

It is NOT an outdated program that will teach you only the surface of how to design mediocre websites

It is NOT a program only about learning WordPress or how to design websites (it’s much more)

What Winning at WordPress Is

It’s an in-depth, comprehensive and HANDS ON program that gives you a professional web design consultant in your pocket 

It’s a program that not only teaches you web design, but strategies for growing your web design business to work with better clients

It’s the exact program every web designer needs if they want to start booking higher-budget projects

This isn't just a course about learning how to design websites...

No, no, no, my friend. It's so much more than that. Not only will you learn how to design epic websites with zero code required, but you'll learn how to grow and efficiently run a successful web design business so you can work with better clients.

You will no longer need to desperately prove yourself to potential clients on sales calls. You'll feel confident and well-equipped. They'll be lining up to work with you after seeing the epic, high-converting websites you design.

Put on your creative glasses with me and imagine if…

– You got website inquires from your dream clients saying that your portfolio stuck out to them.

– You felt confident on sales calls because you know you are more skilled, and more equipped than other web designers.

– You could charge $12k for just one website.

– You had more opportunities and leads because you’re a specialist on more than one platform.

– You never had the awkward conversation of trying to get your client to switch over to Squarespace because that’s all you know.

I'm going to be straight up with you...

Wordpress has more capabilities than any other platform out there, which means it allows you to create anything you want for your clients. And you know what that means...?

You guessed it – You can charge wayyyy more. I’m talking $6K to $15K (or more) for one website.

After designing websites for 10 years, I’ve charged more for WordPress websites than any other platform.

For the web designer who is ready to build a badass skillset that makes them irreplaceable, so they can dominate their corner of the internet.

Do any of these sound like you...?

You’ve thought of learning WordPress but it seems to ‘scary’ or overwhelming
You want to make the switch to WP but you don’t know how to code (which you don’t have to btw)
You first learned Squarespace and now that’s the platform you’ve stuck with because learning another platform seems tiring or unnecessary 
You think you don’t have enough “time” to learn a new website platform
You’ve always wanted to start your own web design business, but you have zero web design experience

You’re doing your web design business a serious disservice if you box yourself into only using one platform

In fact, you’re making it pretty dang hard for yourself to create some serious growth for your web design agency. You can’t truly build a website design business you love and enjoy working in if you’re closing yourself off from opportunities and clients.

BONUS: Monthly Live Q&A and Consultation Group Calls where we talk about all things web design, running a business, scoping projects, editing websites in real time & so much more.

When you enroll in Winning at WordPress, not only do you get immediate access to the modules and done-for-you material, but you’ll also be invited to our live monthly calls! This is where you can chat with other students, ask any questions you need to get your business to the next level and get exclusive access to Alyssa.

did you know...

About 810 million websites use WordPress, and WordPress websites make up an astonishing 43.1% of all websites on the internet.

Only 2.96 million websites use Squarespace. And only 8.5 million websites on Wix.

Those are tiny, tiny numbers compared to WordPress. 

If you ONLY use Squarespace or Wix, you are closing yourself off to literally millions of opportunities. 


No Gate Keeping.

There’s no holding back in this course. I’m giving you my exact process, creative strategies, sales call guides and more so you can easily replicate them for your own business. This course overdelivers on substance, done-for-you-materials and fun. Barely covering the surface of designing beautiful websites is not my vibe. At the end of this program, you’ll know how to design badass websites on WordPress with confidence and ease. Your future clients are going to love you.

No Filler. All Fun.

No filler. No BS. There’s no one-size-fits-all when it comes to learning. I understand that some of us like to learn in a fast approach, and some of us like to learn more in-depth, going over every tiny detail. That’s why I offer both ways inside of the course. You can work at your own pace, or you can press play and follow me step by step as we build your first WordPress website together. Each lesson is fun and interactive! Trust me, I know there’s nothing worse than taking a “course” and you’re bored out of your mind 15 minutes after pressing play. That won’t be the case here. It’ll feel like we’re web designer besties hanging at our favorite coffee shop.

Not Just About Design.

Is this a program about learning how to create stunning websites on WordPress with no code? Yes. Is it JUST about that? Nope. Over the course of this program, you’ll also learn sales strategies, how to scope project, creating design retainers for your business, structuring VIP days & weeks, and now you’ll get access to our Live Monthly Q&A sessions where we can talk all things web design, business and anything else your little heart desires.

Why is learning WordPress as a web designer vital?

– It shows that you’re a skilled, experienced and professional web designer (even if you’re brand new)

– It shows your potential clients that you are beyond capable of handling their website

– It shows that you are serious about your craft and that you’re more equipped than other designers

– Clients find it a serioussss red flag when website designers don’t know how to use the OG website platform. 

– Clients think it’s lazy when a web designer doesn’t know how to use WordPress

How would it feel to finally get those high-budget clients? How would it feel to be THE person someone thinks of when it comes to web design?

the premier web design course

Winning at WordPress will help you:

– Learn how to design stunning websites on WordPress with zeroooo coding required

– Efficiently and strategically design WordPress websites so you don’t waste any time 

– Implements processes that will allow you to enjoy the web design process 

– Expand your potential client base

– Get noticed online for being a WordPress expert 

This program is the key to remastering and reimagining your web design business

Hey new web designers or seasoned Squarespace & Wix professionals…

How would it feel to be considered an expert on more than one website platform? And not just any website platform… THE crème de la crème of all website platforms. Yes, I’m talking about WordPress. 

Are you ready to transcend your website design business? 

Everything you want to achieve in your web design business starts with refining your skills.

You don’t ever want to be in the situation where you have to turn down a dream client because you’re unable to design on the platform of their choice.

Winning at WordPress will make designing on WordPress a breeze.

No more turning down projects or getting ghosted. Once you zero in on WordPress, you’ll be open to so many more opportunities.

winning at WordPress course modules

Let’s pull back the curtain and see what’s inside...

Module 1: Intro to WordPress

Understanding the Basics of WordPress

  • Why Choose WordPress for Web Design?
  • Differences Between and
  • Setting Up Your WordPress Website
  • Navigating the WordPress Dashboard

Module 2: Getting Started & Setting Things Up

  • My Go-To Theme and How to Install It
  • Configuring Your Theme Settings
  • Choosing Your Theme Demo & Installing It
  • Setting Up Your Header
  • Setting Up Your Main Menu
  • Setting Up Your Footer
  • What is WP Bakery & Why Do I Use It?
  • Theme Support 

Module 3: Let's Start Designing Your WordPress Website!

  • Let’s Design Your First Page 
  • Using the Template Library to Build Pages
  • Getting Familiar with the Design Elements
  • Typography Elements & Using Type to Make Your Website Better
  • Quick Overview of the Backend Builder
  • Using Image/Media Elements
  • Row & Column Page Structure
  • Adding Spacing & Transforming Content
  • Drag-and-Drop Elements
  • Background Images, Colors, Overlays & More
  • Adding Animation Effects
  • Adding Testimonials
  • Adding Portfolio Pages & Sections
  • Creating Awesome Hero Sections
  • NEW: Adding an Email Pop-Up to Your Website

Module 4: Essential Plugins for WordPress Web Design

  • What are WordPress Plugins & Why Use Them?
  • Installing and Updating Plugins
  • My Must-Have Plugins

Module 5: Crafting Stunning Landing Pages

  • Strategies on Designing an Amazing Home Page
  • Styling Your Pages
  • Conversion-Centric Design
  • Optimizing for Mobile Responsiveness

Module 6: Blog and Content Creation

  • Creating a Blog Page
  • Adding Blog Posts
  • Using Categories and Tags
  • Writing Engaging Blog Posts
  • SEO Basics for Blogging

Module 7: E-Commerce Integration

  • Installing WooCommerce
  • Other Important WooCommerce Settings
  • Building an Online Store
  • Adding Products and Categories
  • Customizing the Shop Page

Module 8: Website Optimization and Maintenance

  • Performance Optimization
  • Speed and Loading Time
  • Caching and Image Optimization
  • Website Security
  • Website Maintenance
  • Regular Backups
  • Updating Themes and Plugins
  • Troubleshooting Common Issues

Module 9: Launching Your Website

  • Testing Your Website
  • SEO Optimization
  • Setting Up Analytics
  • Domain Name Configuration
  • Sending video tutorials to the client
  • Going Live, What’s Next?

Bonus Module: Sales, VIP Days, Retainers, Pricing & More!

  • Proposal Template
  • Download Your New Resources (done-for-you scripts, templates & more)
  • My On-Boarding Process
  • My Off-Boarding Process
  • Using Branding to Create an Epic Site
  • Recommended Tools for Your Web Design Biz
  • Design Retainers to Scale Your Business
  • VIP Day Breakdown
  • Bonus Selling Lessons (Sales Call Process, Questions to Ask & Other Sales Strategies)
  • Pricing Your Services
  • NEW – Monthly Live Group Q&A/Consultation Calls
  • NEW: What Every Web Designer Needs in Their Contract


  • Layering items & sections for unique design
  • Stacker Feature
  • My favorite elements/template blocks
  • How to create a branded Link in Bio page
  • Creating a “Coming Soon” landing page
  • In-depth Editing/Creating Your Footer


Wordpress web design doesn’t have to be hard or scary. In fact, it can be freaking amazing, fun and a MAJOR income booster. The question is... are you ready?

When you finally stop looking at WordPress as the big, bad wolf and approach it with an open mind, you’ll realize that learning WordPress will be a money-making skill for your business… and you’ll wish you learned it sooner.

It’s NEVER too late to learn WordPress, and it’s absolutely possible to become a new expert WordPress designer who other companies and agencies look up to. 

So, how can you be sure that Winning at WordPress is for you? 

— you’re a new or aspiring website designer who wants to learn the creme de la creme of website platforms so you can charge $10k+ for one website

— you’ve been designing websites on Squarespace, Wix or any other platform for years, but you’re ready to open up a new income stream for your business 

— you feel like potential clients or other companies don’t look at you as a pro, and you’re stuck at the “amateur” level

— you’re sick of being married to one website platform, and you’re ready to be the go-to expert for multiple website platforms 

— you want your portfolio and skill set to be able to reflect the high-level clientele you’re going after 

— you want to stand out amongst the other thousands of web design agencies online 

— you want to have a deep understanding of WordPress so you can confidently and easily design stunning websites 

— you’re ready to overcome roadblocks in your web design business, so you can finally start showing up as the expert you know you truly are

Winning at WordPress was created to show you and other designers just how easy and seamless it is to design websites on WordPress. No coding or experience required.

And when I say no coding required… I mean it. I’m here to bust all of the myths about WordPress, and show you that creating websites on WordPress can be fun, spark your creativity and transform your web design agency.

Learning WordPress allows your business to experience major growth. It’s an indispensable skill that will set you up for success.

Winning at WordPress is the foundation for building a lucrative web design business 

Imagine this… you get a PayPal notification that your $12k invoice for web design was paid. Ahh, how nice would that feel?

Stop charging so low for websites, working your booty off, and getting burnt out while barely scraping by.

Instead, learn an invaluable skill that allows you to charge a whole heck of a lot more, and opens you up to a whole new client base.

If you want your web design business to start making more money — this is the skill you need to master.

meet your instructor

If you’re new around here, I’m Alyssa!

Think of me as your web design Fairy God Mother who is here to wave her magic wand and transform you web design business from a sad pumpkin, into a sparkling carriage. Bippity, boppity, BOOP — you ready?? 

I’ve been designing websites on WordPress for almost 10 years now. I’m also an expert in Shopify and Showit. 

Out of my near decade of doing this, I can confirm I’ve always been able to charge the most from WordPress websites. 

I built my web design agency from scratch, and being a master at WordPress definitely helped me fast-track my success… and I want the same for you. 

I’m here to make learning WordPress fun and simple. Let’s roll up our sleeves and get started. 

WARNING: This course will blow your mind

I’ve got a secret for you:
Whether you’re a seasoned web designer or completely new to the game…

There’s always room for improvements, so when you’re ready to take the next step in your web design business, you can do it as seamlessly as possible with Winning at WordPress. 

You've got questions. I've got answers.

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